Here’s a peek into some journaling I’ve been doing since a writer’s conference in California this spring. It starts with me, then moves (by faith) into His response.
Me: Lord, I love the adventure of You! I love Your beauty – especially in a good story. I love seeing a character created and linked in with others. I love how words, in careful design, embrace and carry me as a willing captive to unexpected places.
But how do You feel about me writing stories?
God: You want to write fiction? Why not? I love a good story, too. Aren’t you and I proof of that? I love your story. So much mystery, so much intrigue! A weaving as intricate as you being formed in your momma’s womb.
I take a seed, breath on it and then hand tool design and beauty into a complete work. Is there travail all around? Yes! I don’t create in isolated perfection. Circumstances can rage, NO, NO! But do they stop My breath? Do they prevent My creation? No. I am He Who is and was and always will be.
The creation of story is what I do. When you invite me, I’m with you in the journey, connecting with others, with the land, with life. It’s all story.
Don’t be afraid. You won’t get this wrong. You still fight imperfection. I don’t. I hate sin, true, and I hate what seeks to destroy My expression in you. But imperfection – well, sometimes there’s order you can’t see yet.
Things may look messy, but with My redeeming hand, broken pieces come into patterns and patterns reflect what only I can form. It is beauty that is both mystery and wonder.
Touch Me, beloved. Come near. Don’t stand apart. I’m not afraid of your imperfections. I trust our journey together. I love our story.
Me: He loves our story! May we expect His life in unexpected places as we take those leaps with Him, our Creator!
Shalom in the river,
Laurel Thomas
2 Comments. Leave new
Oh my, love that message. I always feel refreshment and hope when I read your posts…such a gift. Thank you! nadine
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That makes me happy, dear, beloved sister of mine!!! Love you much!