Today is a great day to begin telling your story!
Opportunities and Services for Your Writer’s Journey
Feeling isolated? Discouraged? Have a brilliant book idea, but don’t know where to begin? Or you’ve gotten started and now you’re stuck.
Don’t stash that manuscript in a drawer! It needs light!
You’ll find encouragement and inspiration at Write Your Heart Out’s free, online Writers Round Table. We’ll offer much needed craft tips and writing wisdom to help you move forward. You’ll have lots of opportunities to share and ask questions. Sign up for our next session here.
Call it a small group writers university! In each one-hour session, we’ll highlight a craft tip each session and work on fine-tuning your manuscript chapter by chapter with several other writers. Move your work into excellence with feedback during sessions tailored for your specific needs. Join a group today!
CRITIQUE GROUPS ($29/session or $160/quarter)
Synergy happens when writers get together and talk about their work. Critique groups are one-hour sessions that allow several writers to gather online for feedback on portions of their manuscripts. If you enjoy input from others who are writing similar genres, a critique group is for you. Bring your work in progress and we’ll see it grow together! Inquire about group openings.
ONE-ON-ONE COACHING ($50/session or $275/month)
Take your manuscript from beginning to end with a published author. One-on-one sessions are 60 minutes and include individualized resources and professional input designed to move your work to a flourishing finish. Contact Laurel to discuss your manuscript or project.

"A professional writer is an amateur who didn't quit."
Richard Bach