Yes, I’m all in the river with you. Good thoughts on life in the river. I love the way rivers wind around so you never know what is around the bend and after a rapid time there is usually a wide open space with deep waters that move slower. Life if full of both. Fast rapids and slow gliding times of rest. God is good.
I love that we are in the river together! You’re the one who helped throw me in about thirty five years ago!! I never thought about the river getting deep and flowing slowly after the rapids. Beautiful picture. Thanks for reading, dear lady.
Of course. I’m always interested in what you think and how you are doing on your part of the river.
I also love the way the Lord has the perfect view of where everyone is on the river at the same time. We can only see from our perspective but like a helicopter, He has the higher view and knows if there’s a water fall (crisis time) ahead or rocks (challenges) or a stagnet pool (everyday struggles) where we have to have endurance to paddle hard and long. In all of it, He’s there speaking to our hearts to prepare us for what’s ahead, instruct us through the hard times and rejoice with us in the reward of new vistas and joys with Him. Life is good in God’s fleet. 🙂
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Yes, I’m all in the river with you. Good thoughts on life in the river. I love the way rivers wind around so you never know what is around the bend and after a rapid time there is usually a wide open space with deep waters that move slower. Life if full of both. Fast rapids and slow gliding times of rest. God is good.
I love that we are in the river together! You’re the one who helped throw me in about thirty five years ago!! I never thought about the river getting deep and flowing slowly after the rapids. Beautiful picture. Thanks for reading, dear lady.
Of course. I’m always interested in what you think and how you are doing on your part of the river.
I also love the way the Lord has the perfect view of where everyone is on the river at the same time. We can only see from our perspective but like a helicopter, He has the higher view and knows if there’s a water fall (crisis time) ahead or rocks (challenges) or a stagnet pool (everyday struggles) where we have to have endurance to paddle hard and long. In all of it, He’s there speaking to our hearts to prepare us for what’s ahead, instruct us through the hard times and rejoice with us in the reward of new vistas and joys with Him. Life is good in God’s fleet. 🙂
That’s for sure!! I’m getting more and more insights from you!